“Life is a beautiful adventure and a miracle. We are too focused on wealth and not on hapiness. We are focused only on doing things and, before you know it, life has passed you by”
Pepe Mujica last words to us

Ancient Samurai only entered the battlefield when groomed to perfection. Their appearance gave them confidence and strenght to face every challenge.

When imagination returns
Tess Guinery

“How can I integrate a resilient approach to teaching in these times?

A surprising answer was provided by StudioBlended. Tikvah coached me in making my educational approach and impact last longer.

I realized that acquiring knowledge is a process that obeys the rules of resilience very strongly.”

Dr. Alexander Jachnow, Urban Researcher and Strategist
Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies (IHS), Erasmus University, Rotterdam


[More information follows -

Timeline till launch of the course: 2025/2026

European based CoLab between StudioBlended / Tikvah Breimer (MSc MEd MSc) and Tannya Pico (PhD), lecturer in Sustainable Urban Development at PUCE Ecuador

Duration: a pre-course intake, and 8 weeks from initiation till closing ceremony and certification

Frequency: 1 course per season

Studyload: 4-6 hours per week, one plenary group ZOOM call on Monday and one 1 on 1 session during the week

Certificate: issued by StudioBlended upon successful completion of a course design

Enrollment: around 2.000 euro*, cross-subsidized by the Foundation for Latin America/Southern Europe
*exclusing travelcosts of the trainer or yourself in blended delivery or delivery on-site

Trajectory with your team or a highly curated small group of professionals with overlapping content fields. The idea is a cross-over and capacity development between European approaches and Central/Latin America, and professionals based on two sides of the ocean.

You can already get an idea by looking at two of our pages:
- technical resilience
- human resilience

Or listen to the 15 min. keynote by Tikvah Breimer (MSc MAEd MSc) during our event in the conference on the Future of Europe, February 25, 2022. Here, Tikvah Breimer explains how technical and human resilience are intertwided; two sides of the same coin.

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The training is remotely, or partly on site at your Faculty or even - i.e. with a consortium - with our friends in Italy/Tuscany close to Pisa airport:

Azienda Agricola AgrituristicaThe architect and Florence university teacher Battista Mino together with his wife Rina Sciumbata set up an Agriturismo - an Italian bed and breakfast which includes growing the vegetables and fruit that are served daily. Their inspiration: "Abbiamo bisogno di contadini, di poeti, gente che sa fare il pane, che ama gli alberi e riconosce il vento / We need peasants, poets, people who make bread, who love the trees and recognise the wind”. Franco Armino, Italian poet and writer

“I never even knew that I needed teacher training. And now that I have had it with StudioBlended, I cannot believe just how much it changed my life - the technique, the pedagogy, the human resilience.”

prof. dr. Patricia Samora
Senior lecturer and researcher
Pontificia Universidade Catholica de Campinas
Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism
Greater Sao Paulo Metropolitan Area

“I always thought teaching was so strict, but you made me realise that you can actually enjoy teaching so much - and it even makes more sense, people learn more and learn better. I feel so grateful.

You [Tikvah] are able to learn/absorb the subject that I’m trying to produce, and you transform it to a methodological angle, and organise it is such a way that it directs me, and I can do things in a more effective and efficient way.

You (Tikvah) are an amazing professional, and this is an awesome product”.

Tannya Pico, PhD candidate (now PhD) from Quito, Ecuador, Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies, Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands

"During the pandemic, we had to learn how to use new pedagogical tools to work remotely away from the students. This new way of working seemed full of infinite alternatives and I felt too overwhelmed to look into it. What makes the most sense for my practice? How can I find time to learn new techniques given I already have an overloaded schedule? It is in this aspect that Tikvah’s course was so effective for me. In my case, it felt like a revolution.

Before participating, I was completely lost among the many theories of teaching in the contemporary world and the many tools available to work online and engage students offline. From my very first meetings with Tikvah, she guided me on a journey through my own routine.

In addition to a calmed agenda, I learned from Tikvah how to develop a clear, simple, and effective structure for the design of the courses I teach. I now have more quality time to dedicate to other activities, such as research and individual student guidance. My anxiety has diminished, and the students also realized that my courses are well organized and rooted in strong guidelines.

And it works because, instead of another "method", what Tikvah delivers is individually tailored consultancy. She first listens, then she suggests new paths and possibilities for implementing our work differently, without losing what each individual cares about most.

In my country, most institutions still do not understand that teaching activities need to be radically transformed in terms of nature and quality. However, we teachers feel too burdened to make the change ourselves. That's why I think the 10-week experience of this course, accompanied by Tikvah, made a huge impact on my life and therefore on my students."

prof. dr. Patricia Samora
Senior lecturer and researcher
Pontificia Universidade Catholica de Campinas
Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism
Greater Sao Paulo Metropolitan Area

StudioBlended Foundation 2025

Prefer to have direct contact?
Feel free:
Tikvah Breimer (MSc MAEd MSc)
Independent senior advisor, teacher trainer, lead
+31 6 42 47 29 69

Non Profit Foundation

Registration Chamber of Commerce
KvK-number 86242598 (Dutch)

VAT identification number
NL 86 39 07 29 5 B01


NL40 INGB 0709 6156 04
StudioBlended Foundation


Our work

About us

We are here especially for you as unique course/training coordinator, to come alongside you and partner with you, as you work on a (architecture / urban / development / policy / land / water / climate) curriculum, so that you can offer effective and resilient education in its simplest form.

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