“I would have never expected that a 30 min. flipchart session could be so helpful in clarifying the core aspects of a blended model for multidisciplinary integration in higher education! The UCCRN_edu [Erasmus +] project will benefit a lot from such valuable advice.”

Dr. Mattia Leone, architect and associate professor, Department of Architecture (DiARC) University of Naples Federico II, Italy. Also co-director of the Urban Climate Change Research Network - European Hub (UCCRN) and Coordinator of the Erasmus+ UCCRN-EDU project.

Curios? Feel free to contact our senior advisor and teacher trainer directly:
As academic course coordinator, you are always in the middle of either designing a curriculum from scratch - or perhaps re-designing and reassembling a curriculum - most likely, under some time pressure. Our Studio comes alongside you, and partners with you, to ensure an impactful educational design: an effective learning curve, and resilience for the coming decade.

What makes us unique is that we bridge silos between your (architecture / urban / development / policy / land / water/ climate) content (research, projects), and the body of knowledge and practice of effective curriculum design.

However, we do not tell you what to teach. You don't start from scratch with us. We understand the field you are coming from, and keep an active interest in the fields of climate, urbanism and architecture. We dare to ask you really good questions. We bring you cutting edge fresh ideas on possible angles you can take to your content. We take your pedagogical ideas, and amplify and deepen them for your (re)design.

We are also unique, because we always mind your financial trade-offs as a realitycheck, so that our design never loses a sense of reality, remains marketable.

We work with a unique (re-)design studio, to optimally align with your unique nature, setting and needs. Our Studio curated a set of design angles that have become part of our craft and methodology and philosophy on how we partner with you around a concrete output with optimal impact. The constellation of design angles, is a bespoke assignment for you and your course.

As course coordinator, a (re)design inevitably implies a change to something new, fresh - and this might be simple, or complex in your context. As a Studio we stay light, in between people, teams and departments and therefore do not lead such a change trajectory (see our value system). We are however well equipped to give independent advise in the middle of a change for impact, to strenghten your own role as a change agent within your institution.


Our Studio gives you the desired result and impact, as a package price for your bespoke assignment.

Our agile approach, in between people and organisations, is especially suitable for coordinators who are also themselves in charge of a project budget, such as Erasmus+ Programmes.

Based on the information you provide we scope the form of the work and result needed (and your deadlines). We offer you a quotation for the entire package. For more comprehensive assignments, depending on what you need, find out more under financial health and resilience).

For simpler assignments (i.e. with a single coordinator) which require a quick output
we follow this simple initial setup:
1.    60 min onboarding (listening to your problem, to understand where you are stuck, what you’re trying to do). In person or via video call.
2. You complete and submit a one-page document with a more specific explanation of your issue
3. 60 minute advice virtual session giving you several alternatives
4. You choose one alternative
5. We formulate the quotation for the programme of work leading to a curriculum design.

This quick output costs:
€250 excl. VAT, excl. travel costs
€302,50 incl. VAT, excl. travel costs

The initial session results in a briefing and accompanying tailor-made quotation for the entire bespoke assignment required to achieve your desired outcome. The cost of this initial quotation will be discounted from the total cost of the assignment.

In principle, we do not draft up proposals as we prefer to keep things as simple as possible using dialogue and quotations.

Key projects

Photo: The AmsterdamInstitute for Metropolitan Studies (AMS), and the workshop in the afternoon.

On Friday August 30, 2024 Tikvah Breimer (MSc MAEd MSc) had the honor to join the academic teaching team of MSc Metropolitan Analysis Design and Engineering (MADE) at the Amsterdam Institute for Metropolitan Studies (AMS) to kick-off the new academic year, and deliver a keynote coupled by a group excercise around strategizing and envisioning 'big ideas' in the Master's curriculum - in order to be equipped to simplify and innovate.

MSc MADE was founded some 8 years ago. How can it remain relevant and cutting-edge well into the coming years? This is the authentic question of the program director.

The result of the workshop:
The teaching team is equipped with knowledge and understanding of what makes a resilient (trans/interdisciplinary) curriculum that stands the test of time. The team becomes aligned around a shared understanding of the big ideas of the AMS/MADE educational program - and how these evolve over time. The teaching team can take this design forward into futher time-resilient and innovative educational design and development.

The keynote is reflecting StudioBlended 's truly most original and technical work and we're happy to now share it with you too, it just released on all your favorite streaming channels.

Curious? Listen to the keynote (Apple Spotify) or find it on our Audio Podcast page, including a full transcript and many, many resources for further exploration.

Find the Metropolitan Analysis Design and Engineering (MADE) program - a collaboration between Delft University of Technology and Wageningen University & Research - here.

“It was inspiring and fruitful [for me as participant]. I realised a course has baseline building blocks versus the trends and hypes that come and go. I realised where to invest in most. I am taking this further for my own field for sure.

dr. Roberto Rocco
Senior Associate Professor of Spatial Planning and Strategy at
TU/Delft Faculty of Architecture and Built Environment, Governance specialist focusing on Spatial Justice and Governance for Just Transitions.

“It was unexpected. We prepared thoroughly in our conversations beforehand, and even so you were able to surprise me. Instead of themes we would have grouped in a very concrete manner, it was all much more layered and strategic. Much more academic than I expected - for the good. We identified undercurrents, hypes and baselines and all in all created much more depth. It was really useful to look at our program like this - the graphical output we received, shows rising and declining lines that require attention - which words/concepts are we going to use, and which aspects do we need to adjust in the background? Merely producing some themes with the team would have been irrelevant to me - what we did now, truly gets us further in the coming year as we reimagine the program. I got what i needed.”

Dr. Stefan van der Spek
Associate Professor of Urban Design at TU/Delft Faculty of Architecture and Built Environment, Program Director of MSc MADE at AMS Institute and co-director of VR-BK at BK-LABS

Are you curious to learn more about this specific workshop? Would you like to receive a bespoke quotation? Feel free to Email me directly, via:

Tikvah Breimer was invited to join, and took a train to Paris, to attend and observe the delivery of a longstanding Urban Design Climate Workshop (UDCW) for students (spring 2022). The workshop was part of the recently kicked-off Erasmus+ UCCRN_edu programme - and its partners. A challenge faced by the professors who designed and delivered the decade strong workshop, was how to optimally use the new value and meaning of ‘face to face’ time, and how to gain clarity about the pedagogical essence of the interdisciplinary curriculum. Tikvah gave a brief advisory session tackling essential points of attention and follow up. Have a listen too, to the open interview Tikvah conducted with the coordinator as scoping:

Our Audio Podcast

Audio Podcast Clip: Scoping interview with Mattia Leone (Associate Professor)
University of Naples Federico II (UNINA)
Department of Architecture (DiARC)Director of the UCCRN_edu Blended Master Degree on Climate-Resilient Urban Design (Erasmus+ Program)Prefer to read? Transcript
Listen on: Acast Spotify Apple
Release end academic year ‘22/‘23

Associate professor Mattia Leone gives a lively and inspiring solo-talk about his lived-experience with designing and piloting an entire blended master degree at European level. He ends with a personal note for other coordinators at European level.

Do you recognise some of the issues he brings up?

More advice we do

Did you know that our Studio is continuously involved first hand in working with the exit-goals of master courses and degrees? We also have a good concept of where students might struggle - or: long to excell. We translate that back directly into our advice to you as coordinator. Have a look here.

Curios? Feel free to contact our senior advisor and teacher trainer directly:

We are here especially for you as unique course/training coordinator, to come alongside you and partner with you, as you work on a (architecture / urban / development / policy / land / water / climate) curriculum, so that you can offer effective and resilient education in its simplest form.

StudioBlended Foundation 2025

Prefer to have direct contact?
Feel free:
Tikvah Breimer (MSc MAEd MSc)
Independent senior advisor, teacher trainer, lead
+31 6 42 47 29 69

Non Profit Foundation

Registration Chamber of Commerce
KvK-number 86242598 (Dutch)

VAT identification number
NL 86 39 07 29 5 B01


NL40 INGB 0709 6156 04
StudioBlended Foundation


Our work

About us

We are here especially for you as unique course/training coordinator, to come alongside you and partner with you, as you work on a (architecture / urban / development / policy / land / water / climate) curriculum, so that you can offer effective and resilient education in its simplest form.

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